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Liniment balsamic seljavalu

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Vishnevsky ointment or liniment Balsamic (on Wisniewski) - liniment antiseptic, irritant. It has a strong, distinctive and easily recognizable odor. The dosage form is a liniment (it is more liquid than the ointment and easily distributed on the skin or wound). Due to the presence of antimicrobial ("embalming") components .Pharmacological effect of painkillers and anti-inflammatory properties liniment due to the action of its constituent substances - methyl salicylate, eucalyptus oil, purified turpentine oil, camphor, lard and Vaseline. Liniment balsamic on Wisniewski has a disinfecting effect, slightly irritating properties, and promotes the .Vishnevsky liniment or balsamic liniment is a topical medication which has been used to treat wounds, burns, skin ulcers and suppurations. Developed by Russian surgeon Alexander Vishnevsky in 1927, the liniment contains birch tar, xeroformium (bismuth tribromophenolate) and castor oil which have been broadly used .Trade nomination of the preparation: balsamic Liniment Wishnevsky. Manufacturing enterprise, country. Mospharma, Russia, Moscow, Pharmaceutical passage, 1. Registration code: Drug formulation: Liniment Composition: Birch bark oil - 3 g. Bismuth threebromecarbolate - 3 g. Colloidal silicon dioxide - 5 g. Castor.Drug information for Balsamic Liniment by Borisovskiy Zavod Medicinskikh Preparatov JSC. Includes: facts, uses, warnings, directions.

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